- 来源:互联网
- 日期:2015-06-12
- 编辑:admin
- 评论:0条
US - The US' National Pork Board has announced a new antibiotic stewardship plan, aimed at building consumer trust in US pork. The most notable change will be updating its industry-leading Pork Quality Assurance? Plus (PQA Plus?) farmer certification program and increasing investments in research and education by more than $1 million in 2016 alone. These efforts will promote sustainable farming practices focused on responsible antibiotic use that will protect the health and well-being of people, pigs and the planet.
美国——美国国家猪肉委员会已经宣布了一项新的抗生素管理计划,旨在建立消费者对美国猪肉的信任感。最显著的变化是将更新其行业领先的猪肉质量保证及 (PQA Plus ?)农场主认证程序,增加在研究和教育的投资,仅在2016年超过100万美元。这些努力将促进尽责使用抗生素的可持续农业实践,保护人们,猪和地球的健康和幸福。
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